Smart Select - Complex Layer Selecting v1.0.3

Discussion in 'Panels & Plugins' started by gersiato, 8 May 2022.

  1. gersiato

    gersiato Silver III

    31 Mar 2022
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    Did you ever want to select a set of layers based on specific criteria? With Smart Select, you can define whatever conditions layers should meet and then automate the process of selecting them. The plugin provides full freedom and customizability, so that you can define exactly the logic that you need! Here are some examples:

    • "Select every 3rd layer whose text content includes 'texture' "
    • "Select the first of the selected layers with a height greater than 300"
    • "Select all layers whose opacity does not equal its fill opacity"
    The possibilities are really endless! You can chain multiple conditions together and compare the values of over 50 layer properties while using advanced comparators such as "is greater than" or "includes". You don't need any coding skills to do all this, since the panel provides an easy-to-use interface to build these conditions.

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    xes999, pamsi, mereseach and 13 others like this.