Gold Studio Photography Essentials: Beauty, Fashion and Still Life Shoots

Discussion in 'Skillshare' started by elvin, 30 Oct 2021.

  1. elvin

    elvin Legendary

    Lifetime Gold Trusted Gold Member No Limit
    15 Feb 2020
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    Do you want to improve the your studio photography skills?

    In this class we will cover every relevant aspect about setup and lighting for studio photography, especially if you want to work on beauty, fashion or still life photography. From how flashes work to teaming up with models and makeup artists, you will be capable of developing the most professional results, whether you want to work for agencies, brands or editorials, or you just want to be better with your lighting techniques.

    This class is suitable for anyone who’s just starting in photography or if you’re a pro, with the easy tips and tricks I’ll give, you’ll take your photography to the next level!

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    zenekfranek, Anyád, Zully and 16 others like this.