Stylish Weddings: Create Dramatic Wedding Photography in Any Setting[ePub&PDF]

Discussion in 'Photo eBooks' started by Thunder, 14 Dec 2019.

  1. Thunder

    Thunder Legendary

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    26 Apr 2018
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    Stylish Weddings: Create Dramatic Wedding Photography in Any Setting

    Kevin Jairaj is one of the best-regarded wedding photographers in the industry. His clients have fallen for his dramatic, fashion-inspired shots of every phase of the wedding day. Jairaj has also inspired countless photographers to take risks, take control, and take their image-making to the next level.

    In this book, Jairaj guides readers through the creation of 60 of his breathtaking images, as well as alternate shots for that scene, to educate readers on what it takes to create technically masterful photographs that magically and artfully capture the spirit of the wedding day. The book is equal parts technique and artistry; readers will learn how to recognize what constitutes a good shot, how to find perfect lighting (or produce it, when perfect light is not at-the-ready), how to create dynamic poses, and how to anticipate those can’t-miss moments that every bride and groom will want to remember their wedding day by. The book is broken down into four discrete sections, each with a unique focus: Brides, Couples, Details, and Moments. Readers can opt to delve into an area of focus that they are feeling particularly challenged by and find concrete approaches an insightful strategies to make their own with their own clients. In each section, readers will discover details on using a wide range of lighting approaches (natural light, strobes, video lights, speedlights, and window light). They will find an array of striking, evocative poses and compositions that draw the viewer into the image. They will also learn how and where to shoot from during every phase of the shoot-from the bridal preparations, to the ceremony, to the first dance, to the exit. Armed with these solid technical skills and artistic inspirations, readers will approach their own clients’ weddings with increased confidence and heightened creativity.


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    Coraline, ilaya_, Nikon4life and 18 others like this.
  2. Coraline

    Coraline Legendary

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