Suggestions 'OTHERS' category sections.

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Complaints' started by cassini, 21 May 2019.

  1. cassini

    cassini Master

    Trusted No Limit
    21 Oct 2018
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    Hi everyone! Esp. to admins. @george @h1ghm1nd @vrdude @convectuoso

    I would like to suggest for the 'OTHERS' section if it will be necessary if we could explode much further in the 'Other Downloads' to have categories such as:

    Other Downloads - PDF > ebooks that are not related within the subjects.
    Other Downloads - Cards / Portfolio > Cards Template, portfolio, Contract templates, resume, anything for ready to PRINT.
    Other Downloads - Audiobook > everyone PDFs on audiobook.
    Other Downloads - Software > softwares, plugins, etc. For other Adobe related products or other 3rd Party Softwares, or for Drawing / Digital Arts software).
    Other Downloads - Tutorials > other related tutorials and modules that not related within the subjects. Example (eg. Masterclass...., Facebook Marketing, Instagram tutorials, MUA class, Cubebrush & 3D rendering tutorials, etc.)
    Other Downloads > will be retained, as for the general category, if in case the uploader wouldn't know where to place it.

    This way it will be easy for everyone or any individual to search for what they are looking for. Or will be easier for all of us to place our other extracurricular hobbies or enthusiasts. So much, so that everything from this day forward will be much more organized to the people will be using the 'OTHERS' section if in case this suggestion will be granted. And I would dedicate myself to help things to sort out for this community, free of charge. ;)
    Last edited: 21 May 2019
    janabart likes this.
  2. DesignGarage

    DesignGarage Guest

    love these ideas!!!
    cassini likes this.
  3. cassini

    cassini Master

    Trusted No Limit
    21 Oct 2018
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    Thank you guys ;)