T. Harv Eker – Step Up and Lead

Discussion in 'Other Related Downloads' started by Lion, 9 Jan 2020.

  1. Lion

    Lion Gold Nova

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    21 Oct 2019
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    When you first started your business, did you...

    Imagine that having a team of people working for you would cause you so much stress, frustration, and agony?

    Envision being surrounded by people who complained, underperformed and didn’t do what they said they would?

    Think you’d feel pressure every day to make decisions that you’re not confident in making?

    Believe you’d be getting quicker results and doing better than you’re doing now?

    You took the leap, you started a business. You went for it...

    … And in return you’re getting less sleep. You’re working harder than ever. And the amount of money you thought you’d be earning right now is nowhere close to your reality.

    What the heck is going on?

    Is it you? Is it your team? Is it your product or your service? Why are you still struggling?

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    Daukness, shem, NanaNikon and 6 others like this.