The Business Side of Dave Black – Get Paid Shooting What You Love

Discussion in 'KelbyOne' started by pamscot, 27 May 2020.

  1. pamscot

    pamscot Legendary

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    The Business Side of Dave Black – Get Paid Shooting What You Love

    Dave’s love of sports combined with his love of photography and his ability to continually improve his game has fueled a career that spans three decades and sports coverage all around the world. Over the course of an hour Dave shares stories, advice, and practical tips on topics that range from how to embrace the transitions that will happen in your career to how to keep raising the bar on yourself to remain competitive, and from choosing your gear to challenging yourself to find ways to produce a different kind of picture.

    Lesson 1 : On Getting Started
    Lesson 2 : On Making Transitions
    Lesson 3 : On Raising the Bar
    Lesson 4 : On Choosing Gear
    Lesson 5 : On Painting with Light
    Lesson 6 : On Producing a Different Kind of Picture

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    Last edited: 27 May 2020