The Cinema of Eisenstein [PDF]

Discussion in 'Other Related Downloads' started by Nikon4life, 18 Apr 2020.

  1. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary

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    26 Jan 2020
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    The Cinema of Eisenstein
    by David Bordwell (Author)


    An examination of Sergei Eisenstein's distictive contributions to filmmaking and film theory. It provides the only comprehensive guide in English to the range of Eisenstein's achievements in cinema.

    1. A life in cinema --
    2. Monumental heroics: the silent films --
    3. Seizing the spectator: film theory in the silent era --
    4. Practical aesthetics: pedagogy --
    5. Cinema as synthesis: film theory, 1930-1948 --
    6. History and tragedy: the late films --
    7. The making and remaking of Segei Eisenstein.

    "Director of classics, theorist of montage, master of the mass epic, purveyor of Soviet realism in the midst of perilous political reality: Sergei Eisenstein is possibly the key figure in film history. In The Cinema of Eisenstein David Bordwell takes the full measure of this filmmaker's accomplishments. Bordwell gives a complete account of Eisenstein's distinctive contributions to the art, theory and history of cinema. He takes the reader from the first silent film, Strike, made in the upheaval of postrevolutionary Russia, through Potemkin and Ten Days That Shook the World and on to Alexander Nevsky which won the Order of Lenin, to the last banned part of the diptych Ivan the Terrible. Discussing each in detail, Bordwell points out the traces of various artistic currents of the times, from Marxist Modernism to Socialist Realism to Symbolist poetics, as well as the changing influence of Soviet politics. He guides the reader through Eisenstein's theoretical writings, including major texts that have only recently appeared in English."

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    t-went, FIDELI0, RLiviu and 1 other person like this.