The Manual of Photography, 10th Edition {PDF]

Discussion in 'Photo eBooks' started by Nikon4life, 1 Nov 2020.

  1. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary

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    26 Jan 2020
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    The Manual of Photography, 10th Edition
    by Elizabeth Allen (Author), Sophie Triantaphillidou (Author),+10th+Edition&qid=1604189826&sr=8-1

    The tenth edition of The Manual of Photography is an indispensable textbook for anyone who is serious about photography. It is ideal if you want to gain insight into the underlying scientific principles of photography and digital imaging, whether you are a professional photographer, lab technician, researcher or student in the field, or simply an enthusiastic amateur. This comprehensive guide takes you from capture to output in both digital and film media, with sections on lens use, darkroom techniques, digital cameras and scanners, image editing techniques and processes, workflow, digital file formats and image archiving.

    This iconic text was first published in 1890 and has aided many thousands of photographers in developing their own techniques and understanding of the medium. Now in full colour, The Manual of Photography still retains its clear, reader-friendly style and is filled with images and illustrations demonstrating the key principles. Not only giving you the skills and know-how to take stunning photographs, but will also allowing you to fully understand the science behind the creation of great images.

    * The authoritative text on virtually every technical aspect of photography and digital imaging
    * 10th edition completely reworked to include the latest research on digital imaging
    * The essential book for anyone serious about photography



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