The Secret to Creating Breathtaking Photography

Discussion in 'Photo eBooks' started by dalco, 13 Apr 2020.

  1. dalco

    dalco Silver IV

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    23 Jan 2020
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    This book has a single purpose and that is to help you achieve breathtaking photography in less time than you ever imagined possible. This is not a book about how to use a camera, frame a shot or capture a pose. No, this is a book about image editing using one very special tool that makes creating stunning images simple.

    Have you ever struggled to realise your vision? Does the reality of your photographs never quite live up to the image you had in your head? Do you feel frustrated by the technical demands of Photoshop?

    If you have answered yes to any of these questions then you need to try Viveza 2 from Nik. If you learn how to use it properly you will absolutely love it. Images will be dramatically improved and your productivity will go through the ceiling. Image edits that might have taken hours to create previously can be achieved in minutes.

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    freelancer007, Rockyn, Robert and 3 others like this.