Through My Eyes

Discussion in 'Photo Tutorials' started by lkngood, 5 Jul 2018.

  1. lkngood

    lkngood Global Elite

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    17 Jun 2018
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    Through My Eyes series is 2 hours of content that will be broken up into 4 separate videos.

    This series is NOT about you watching me hold the camera and capturing video. That will teach you

    NOTHING. Instead, you will see what I see through my viewfinder. You will hear me talk as you are

    looking at exactly what I am looking at!

    We will go over capturing video… you will see a quick behind the scenes of how I stabilize my camera

    without extra equipment.

    You will hear me converse with my client as I am shooting. The content you will see are paid sessions. I

    will show an 11-year-old and a set of siblings. These are NOT models. So the footage you will view

    through my eyes will be me actually on the job!

    You will see how I cull and edit down each clip and why.

    We will then pull in the culled content into Adobe Premiere Pro CC. I will give you every single tool you

    will need as a portrait photographer that you will need. I will show you how to edit your footage like you

    would edit an image in Lightroom or Photoshop!

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    ***this shows up on gfx or other, last one i upload***
    Last edited by a moderator: 7 Feb 2019
    levitzj2, jbgood47, Bob and 12 others like this.
  2. vrdude

    vrdude Moderator

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    4 Jul 2017
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    A few thoughts

    1) Thank you for sharing. In the short time, you have become a great asset to the community

    2) Everyone is upset that we have a leaker, but for now we don't know who it is and if you stop sharing, you will be punishing the rest of the community for his action

    3) Just to be fair, we have taking alot of stuff from his site and share here.... to save our members from having to buy his filenext account. Perhasps we need to do more LOL

    4) If you have a solution for this leaker(s), we would love to hear it.
    Last edited: 5 Jul 2018
    alex111 and NanaNikon like this.
  3. lkngood

    lkngood Global Elite

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    17 Jun 2018
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    Wish i did....thank you for your kind words.
    Only solution I've seen that works from other private forums, is a select VIP section for quality shares....
    just a thought.
    Leona95, alex111 and NanaNikon like this.
  4. convectuoso

    convectuoso Moderator

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    15 Feb 2018
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    STG is probably the safest route for now. If STG gets 'expanded' for different levels (pro/veteran/etc) that may also help - but only if you can see what level you have to be at before you open the thread.
    alex111, NanaNikon and lkngood like this.