uBlock Origin author's latest extension CCaptioner is now available

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by grenice, 8 Feb 2020.

  1. grenice

    grenice Legendary Master

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    25 Jul 2018
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    Assign a text track to a video element in a web page
    A very simple extension which purpose is to assign a text track (.srt or .vtt) to a HTML5 video element in a web page.

    Many HTML5 video players do not offer the ability to import text track for captions/subtitles purpose. The purpose of this extension is to remediate this problem.

    When you want to assign a text track to a video element in a web page:

    - Open the popup menu and click "Assign text track to..."
    - Move the mouse over the target video element
    - Click the video element if needed
    - A file picker will appear
    - Pick the .srt or .vtt file to use as text track

    The video should now render the captions/subtitles of the file you selected.

    The content scripts of CCaptioner are injected if and only if you click on its toolbar icon while on a specific web site, and only for that web site. Once the text track is embedded, the content script terminates and should be garbage-collected by your browser's JavaScript engine.

    Once a text track has been assigned to a video element on a given page, you can time-shift the text track through CCaptioner's popup panel -- this is useful when the text track is not well synchronized with the video content.

    ## Permissions

    ### activeTab

    This permission means that the extension will be able to interact with a web page only when you click its icon in the toolbar; so CCaptioner's content script is injected only when you demand it by clicking CCaptioner's toolbar icon.

    ### <all_urls>

    This permission is necessary to ensure CCaptioner's content script can also be injected in embedded iframe elements in a page -- it is not uncommon for video players to be inside an iframe which origin is different from the origin of the root document.
