Done UDEMY High End Hair Retouching in Photoshop FULL

Discussion in 'Photo Requests' started by vrdude, 24 May 2018.

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  1. vrdude

    vrdude Moderator

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    4 Jul 2017
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    Photoshop CC: High End Hair Retouching in Photoshop FULL
    English | 2hr 30m | Video: 720p | Project files | 1.6 GB

    Learn Amazing Techniques How to Retouch Hair in Photoshop - from Start to Finish!

    High End Retouching is one of the most time consuming work in Photoshop. You can see results of such a work in magazines, billboards with a main destination to promote desired product.

    In this course we are going to learn High End retouching on hair level. Hair retouch is slightly different than skin, it requires a lot of precise work as well as way of using specyfing retouching tool is slightly different. From my own education experience I know how many people were asking about hair retouching, that is why I decided to come with this course focused on Hair - which are the biggest struggle for every photographer and retoucher.

    In This Photoshop Retouching course You are going to learn all basic retouching tools, and after that we are going to adjust these retouching tools to the specific tasks for hair retouching. I am going to show You how to use healing brush and clone stamp for hair retouching.

    After this You will learn some other experimental techniques to apply totally new hair to You image, as well as how to adjust colors and shadows of the hair in such a cases.


    Tpsa84 and alex111 like this.
  2. profoto

    profoto Silver IV

    8 Feb 2018
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