Udemy-Make a Living as a Filmmaker-Matt Hapoja

Discussion in 'Video Tutorials' started by varopil, 1 Feb 2020.

  1. varopil

    varopil Silver II

    21 Jan 2020
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    You can't make a living as a creative! Thats what people in creative fields like filmmaking are told all the time. But fortunately that does not have to be true for you.

    I'm here to teach you what I've learned about building a solid consistent income making films.

    This course is designed to give you insights into the money or business side of being a creative. It's answering the question of how can I better leverage my skills and platform to increase my yearly income and keep in consistent. We all know the struggling artist reputation but there is a lot of money that can be made as long as you learn the business side of being a freelancer.

    We will go through 7 big tips on how to earn 6 figures through your creative field:

    1. Diversifying Your Income
    2. Making Better Product: Learn Make Repeat
    3. Building An Audience
    4. Passive Income
    5. Forget Film School: Learn, Learn, Learn
    6. Networking The Right Way
    7. Focus On Business


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