Video Lighting: Choosing Lighting Gear

Discussion in 'Video Tutorials' started by mailstemp123, 6 Apr 2020.

  1. mailstemp123

    mailstemp123 Silver III

    21 Feb 2020
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    Lighting has changed in the last few years. With so many choices, how can you know what type of lights are right for your video production? Erik Naso helps you evaluate your specific needs so you can keep costs low and make informed equipment selections. Explore traditional and emerging lighting options. See how different lights perform in specific settings, like on-location or in studio, and for different purposes, like lighting talent during interviews or illuminating large rooms. Familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of electronically controlled lights—some LED lights have advance, computer-like circuitry—so you can vary color and output.
    Topics include:
    • Selecting lights for illuminating a subject
    • Lighting large rooms
    • Exploring portable, on-camera, and battery-powered lights
    • Reviewing tungsten, fluorescent, and LED fixtures
    • Considering low-budget lights
    • Comparing light stands
    • Exploring modifiers and cases
    • Determining whether to rent or buy

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