Other Language Vyrezka iz fona 2018 PRO (rus)

Discussion in 'Photo Tutorials' started by Viacheslav, 5 Nov 2021.

  1. Viacheslav

    Viacheslav Apprentice II

    7 Nov 2019
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    Vyrezka iz fona 2018 PRO


    I drank another improvement. Well finished with that, he worked himself, then tried it on your files on your shot in a variety of conditions where the flash did not work, for example. Let's just define. This is actually an improvement for 2017 cut. That is, if you do everything normally works at least 2017, the new will work fine. I am doing it for professionals who do not need to explain what a green background, which should be a shade under your feet as put BB in Rawa or on the camera, the shot should not crawl umbrellas background should as far as possible to occupy the entire frame (may be a small gap on the sides and top). Well, it is clear that the background should not be either from an ass, which lay three months. The folds are not afraid to certain conditions. Now the differences and new chips. First and foremost. It works without any additional software and plug-ins. Photoshop only. I drove a 2018 apparently all versions, which appeared select and mask will work. If needed earlier versions, will write. (Robuskei, avtohotkei needed) will accordingly work on the apple as well. Needless to say, the speed of the first part (auto) increased by about 30% lost glitches associated with robuskeya load, memory usage. As an opportunity to work in the background. Avtohotkey did not give even a mouse to touch during avtovyrezki. Second. The focus is on taking away the quiet reflections without changing the basic colors. Robuskey godless killing green, yellows, blue decent distorted. Third. Added the ability to make transparent red (and containing red) color. They are by default always gets dirty. Fourth. Added work with single files. That is, there is a batch mode and a single. Batch is quite similar to the previous version. Added the ability to work without IP. (Although I highly recommend him) Well Introduced and fifth LUT, leading all about green backgrounds to the standard while making the color of jeans nice pure color. Cleaned reflexes with blue parts before cutting out. It is this loot makes it possible to separate the background from almost the same colors, making the latter a little blue. Naturally there is a video for easy installation in a snap and configuration (most likely customize do not need anything)

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