
Discussion in 'Introduce yourself' started by Kramczor, 18 Mar 2021.

  1. Kramczor

    Kramczor New Member

    18 Mar 2021
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    Hi guys, whatsup yall!
    First of all - it is very nice to be a part of this community - thank you.
    Im Adam im 27yrs old and im from Poland. Currently ( 6 months ago ) I lost my job due to covid19. I was a bartender for about 9 yrs. It is a time for me to change my life and start to do what I really always liked to do - create. When I was young I was playing with after effect CS3 and some photoshop and I really liked this stuff. Idk how and when but I stopped doing it and started full time work behind a bar just to pay bills and stuff. Everything just kinda fade away and I focused on doing money instead of my passions.
    Right now im doing some graphic work but my goal is to become editor/videographer and create some beautiful content and to inspire others. I hope this forum will help me to develop high skills and to do what I really love to do - create beautiful images, stay low key in home and train jiujitsu in free time:)
    Thanks again for everyone on this forum. Much respect.
    Take care of yourself, take care of eachother - peace and love !