Request Your Guide to Selling Leftover Reveal Prints - Ashleigh Taylor

Discussion in 'Photo Requests' started by dinobytes, 12 Feb 2024.

  1. dinobytes

    dinobytes Gold

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    6 Mar 2021
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    Your Guide to Selling Leftover Reveal Prints
    If you've been doing "printed reveals" (or in person sales sessions using physical prints) for over a year, you probably are beginning to have a stockpile of prints just sitting in a drawer or file cabinet. Have you wondered what to do with these extra prints? Unlock unexpected income and don't leave money sitting in a drawer! Here is a system to sell the prints and draw in repeat clients.

    This guide includes:

    -The exact email script and wording I used to offer my clients the chance to buy their old prints
    -The exact voicemail and email follow up scripts I used to follow up with clients who did not reply
    -My spreadsheet for organizing and tracking the prints you have on file and your sale results
    -Info on how to price this sale
    -More answers to FAQ's such as how not to devalue your work with this sale, what to do if clients ask to see the prints, if clients want only a few prints, or if you have some clients with a few prints and some clients with 20 or more left over prints

    This sale generated me over $2500 this (not including the income for the sales of the repeat clients)! And, I can run this sale year after year and expect the same results! For $49, get the guide to do the sale yourself and see what income you can unlock with the leftover prints you have on file.