Lumenzia v8.1.0 Win/OSX (Nov 2019)

Discussion in 'Panels & Plugins' started by mwla, 11 Nov 2019.

  1. mwla

    mwla Grand Master

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    8 Feb 2018
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    • New: 32-bit luminosity masks! Now you can harness the power of Lumenzia while using HDR or other 32-bit workflows! [requires Photoshop CC 2020].
    • New: 32-bit support for smart sharpening in “Sharp”.
    • New: 32-bit luminosity curves for “Dodge".
    • New: An even smaller "Compact-Small" interface size. The luminosity masking panel yet! This gives you even more room to see your image or layers. Just like with the large/compact sizes, you may <cmd/ctrl>-click “X” to quickly toggle between the small size with the full set of buttons or compact version. Or <alt/option>-click “X” to cycle through all interface sizes without having to use the menu. [requires Photoshop CC]
    • New: Continuous gamma optimization. To achieve the highest-quality masks and selections, it is important to use a grace space which uses a gamma matching your RGB profile. Failure to optimize can cause masks/selections which are either too strong, too weak, and which do not match the preview. For example, this could result in unwanted painting in areas which appear to be protected by the selection. Setting the gray space once based on the RGB working space is not optimal, as each document may have a different RGB profile (the issue is related to the image’s RGB profile, not the generic RGB colorspace in Photoshop. Maximum quality is achieved when this setting is updated for each image based on its color profile. This is particularly important if some of your images are in ProPhoto RGB and others are not. This feature is now enabled by default and will automatically update your gray space as needed to ensure you always get the highest-quality masks and selections. [Note: This feature has no affect on your RGB profile or working RGB space. You may disable this feature via the checkbox option in the “Utilities" menu to keep Lumenzia from changing the gray colorspace.]
    • New: Adjust saved selections with Levels via “Sel”. This is a great way to strengthen selections or move gray pixels towards black or white.
    • New: Adjust saved selections with camera RAW via “Sel”. This is a great way to customize selections using the Basic tonal controls in RAW (such as highlights, shadows, white, black, etc). [Photoshop CC only].
    • New: Duplicate saved selections via “Sel”. This is helpful when you use the new adjust options and wish to save a copy of the original or make multiple variations.
    • Updated: “Split” now automatically keeps mask and image views synchronized when zooming in and out. This makes it easier than ever to work on fine details of your image. [Photoshop CC only]
    • Updated: “Split” grayed out when not available (requires a layer mask on the active layer). [Photoshop CC]
    • Updated: “Split” may be used to view filter masks (be sure to click on the filter mask to make it the target if the layer has a layer mask as well).
    • Updated: “Split” popup info for working with multiple documents updated to note important keyboard shortcuts when working in that mode.
    • Updated: “Dodge” curves can be set for luminosity + color. This is particularly useful for 32-bit dodging and burning, where other blend modes are not available.
    • Updated: Swapped the locations of the “X” and “Not” buttons to give the more important “X” button a more prominent and easily clicked location. [Photoshop CC]
    • Updated: Orange buttons are now dynamic (only show in color when there is a preview). This makes it more clear which buttons can use the luminosity input, as well as reducing the distraction of color from the panel. [Photoshop CC]
    • Updated: Orange buttons more closely match the color of the orange layers Lumenzia creates (the color is meant to help show that these buttons can use the orange previews as an input). The previous color was a bit more subtle. [Photoshop CC]
    • Updated: <alt/option>-click “X” to cycle through all possible interface sizes. [Photoshop CC]
    • Updated: The small interface slider has been updated to be full width like the other choices in order to provide more control when sliding. [Photoshop CC]
    • Updated: <cmd>-clicking wide zones or zone picker allows for choice of narrow/wide zone in the advanced masking options. Allows you to easily use the narrow zone while viewing the compact interface.
    • Updated: Added information “about gray colorspace” to the written manual.
    • Updated: Added optimization support for significantly more RGB working spaces.
    • Updated: Panel tips now use more of the available width to use space more efficiently. [Photoshop CC]
    • Updated: Made list of saved selections in “Sel” taller, so that you may more easily see options when working with several saved selections.
    • Updated: Moved the menu preference for fast previews from the main list of panel options into the Utilities (also under that menu). This just removes clutter for an option that almost no one should change. This only affects the CC panel, as the CS6 panel already shows all checkable items in the Utilities menu.
    • Updated: Utilities/Optimize no longer generically checks gray working space, as the new per-document approach is superior.
    • Updated: Precision slider text displays feathering value of 1000 more clearly. [Photoshop CC]
    • Updated: Precision slider text more centered for better readability. [Photoshop CC]
    • Updated: Code cleanup to load the panel more quickly.
    • Updated: “?” References user manual when offline. [Photoshop CC]
    • Updated: Sel’s channel list position maintained when deleting channels. This makes it easier to quickly delete several channels.
    • Updated: Quick save/load with “Sel” now warns the user when working with no selection (which may be the result of intersecting a selection with a black area of a luminosity preview).
    • Fixed: “Mask” does not produce expected results when choosing to ignore the active selection.
    • Fixed: Incorrect results when using sliders on multiple layers. [Photoshop CC]
    • Fixed: “Sel” preview may not update as expected if a component channel is selected.
    • Fixed: “Sel” rename disrupts preview.
    • Fixed: “Sel” preview not updated after duplicating channel.
    • Fixed: Can select multiple radio buttons in “Dodge”.
    • Fixed: Sel channel preview support on CS6.
    • Fixed: “Sharp” visualize in gray now properly disabled for Smart Objects in CS6, as it is not available.
    • Fixed: Zone picker fails when using selection to target.
    • Fixed: Bug where <shift>-clicking “Sel” would not properly create a quick-saved selection.
    • Fixed: Increased timeout to avoid false initialization alerts when double-clicking extremely large files to open Photoshop.
    • Fixed: Typing in slider value for feather results in incorrect result. [Photoshop CC]
    • Fixed: Previews using the advanced “Channel Mix” method result in incorrect layer name.
    • Fixed: Error message when using High Pass “Sharp” on existing Smart Objects.

    Lumenzia Basics v8.1.0 includes:

    • Updated: Fill’s “stamp all layers” option grayed out when not available, to make the choices more clear.
    • Updated: “Fill” now remembers the last type of fill used, to make it easier to keep filling with black or white.
    • Updated: <alt/option>-click “Stamp” to flatten all layers.
    • Updated: <alt/option>-clicking “SmartObj” now offers “none” to clear existing stack modes.
    • Fixed: “Fill” creates a new layer instead of filling a targeted layer mask when working with Smart Objects.
    • Fixed: “Fill” did not default to a usable option when filling a layer mask.
    • Fixed: Content aware shown as an option when layer mask is the target.
    • Fixed: Increased timeout to avoid false initialization alerts when double-clicking extremely large files to open Photoshop.

    Note: Per changes in Adobe’s licensing policy, I’m updating Lumenzia’s official compatibility to CS6 or CC 2017+ (I am unaware of any issues with older versions of CC, but am no longer able to test with them to ensure compatibility).

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    Last edited: 15 Feb 2021
    flaxy, zoycash55, beapoet and 61 others like this.
  2. DonnieTobasco

    DonnieTobasco New Member

    25 Jul 2019
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    Thank You!
  3. Rolliebollie

    Rolliebollie Apprentice III

    8 Nov 2019
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    Thank you so much.
  4. vincent.yu

    vincent.yu New Member

    4 Aug 2019
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  5. Irma

    Irma New Member

    4 Dec 2018
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    thank you! most appreciated
    mwla likes this.
  6. cappuccetto23

    cappuccetto23 Skilled

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    19 Feb 2018
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    Dead link, could you fix it?
  7. mwla

    mwla Grand Master

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    8 Feb 2018
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  8. cappuccetto23

    cappuccetto23 Skilled

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    19 Feb 2018
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    Thank you!
  9. cassini

    cassini Master

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