RawDigger [Win 64 & 86]

Discussion in 'Other Related Downloads' started by wagaboo, 6 Mar 2021.

  1. wagaboo

    wagaboo Gold Nova

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    12 Dec 2018
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    RawDigger is a program for visualizing, examining and analyzing RAW files as recorded by a camera. RawDigger does not modify RAW data, it is not a RAW converter. Instead, the program allows you to see the RAW data as the RAW converter sees it. RawDigger works with files from almost all cameras that record RAW format.

    RawDigger is a tool allowing to view, study, and analyze pure raw data as recorded by digital photo- and certain video cameras. RawDigger is a microscope of sorts that lets you drill down into raw data both on Windows. RawDigger doesn't alter the raw data in any way. RawDigger is not a raw convertor. Instead, it allows you to see the data that will be used by raw convertors. RawDigger for the photographer: • RawDigger shows real histograms of RAW files, which are very different from the histograms on the camera screen and from the histograms shown by most RAW converters. • The Overexposure (OE) indicator shows which areas of the image are actually overexposed. In channel-by-channel RAW view, overexposure is indicated for the channel being watched.

    • RawDigger allows you to determine the calibration of the intra-camera (and any other) exposure meter: compare the metering results and the corresponding RAW-values, determine the "headroom in highlights". Knowing the calibration of the exposure meter will give you optimal exposure.
    • If you are using ETTR, RawDigger will allow you to match RAW histograms and chamber histograms, which will allow you to "push the histogram to the right" using the chamber histogram without the risk of overexposure.
    • RawDigger allows you to find out at what level in the RAW file the camera begins to show areas of overexposure (blinking areas) and how much headroom in the highlights actually remains.
    • You can determine from what level in the shadows they begin to look unacceptable (noisy, colorless, with insufficient resolution), set the appropriate level of underexposure indication (UE) and then quickly analyze the footage for underexposure.
    • RawDigger is useful for determining the relative underexposure of channels depending on lighting.
    • RawDigger is more accurate than any exposure meter at determining the uniformity of fill and reproduction lighting. Using RawDigger, you can determine both uneven lightness and uneven color balance.
    • For studio photographers, RawDigger will help you set the correct filters on light sources to get the cleanest shadows (by reducing exposure unevenness across channels).
    • Landscape photographers can use RawDigger to determine the effect of filters on the image, to check the neutrality of polarizing and ND filters, and to select the compensation and correction filters needed to optimally expose the channels in the available light.
    • RawDigger can be used to determine the amount of vignetting in the lens-sensor system.
    • RawDigger helps determine the characteristics of the camera and RAW-converter, providing access to the original unmodified RAW data, which can be compared with the results of the conversion.

    Profile Edition intended for users who create sensor calibration data, linearization tables, or prepare data for building color profiles. In addition to the Research Edition capabilities, this version supports work with selection grids and can do additional processing of the exported data: white balance, normalization, flat field equalization and filtering of extreme data values.

    General Tools and Features
    RawDigger allows one to display and research the real Raw Histogram of the raw data, which greatly differs from the in-camera histogram, as well as histograms presented by most of the raw converters.
    To facilitate accurate raw image study, the histogram can be displayed in different modes, over the whole image or rectangular selections of the portions of the image.
    The histogram can be exported for further study as a spreadsheet (CSV), or as a PNG for presentation.
    Overexposure and Underexposure Statistics will show the percentage of overexposed and underexposed pixels.
    The Overexposure (OE) and Underexposure (UE) Indications will show you exactly what areas of the shot are blown out or underexposed and in which color channel (s) it happened (best if used in per-channel view).
    One can set the level of Underexposure (UE) indications according to one's needs.

    The Profile Editionis designed for advance study of sensor and lens behavior. Among other things it allows to create sensor calibration data, linearization data, or device data for color profiling.
    In addition to the features provided by the other two editions, the Profile Edition includes selection grids for faster processing of step wedges and color targets, as well as for calculating non-uniformity maps.
    The Profile Edition allows applying white balance, normalization, equalization (Flat Field normalization), and filtering of outlying values before data export.

    HOMEPAGE: www.rawdigger.com

    DOWNLOAD: 35mb
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    IvanovIvan, jack.eboo, Dde and 10 others like this.
  2. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary Master

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    26 Jan 2020
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    Thanks a million for this - been meaning to purchase this for [years] and . . . BAM!

    As a side note, their development of FastRawViewer is fantastic! Worth every penny . . .

    Rivals Photo-Mechanic for the purpose of culling . . .
  3. wagaboo

    wagaboo Gold Nova

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    12 Dec 2018
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